The Main Causes Road/Traffic Accidents


Road accident statistics shows that almost four people are involved in a traffic accident every hour. This is a sad reality since this is something that can be prevented. The main causes of this accident could be due to the fault of the driver, other drivers, pedestrian or a mechanical failure of the vehicle. The results of an auto accident are body injuries to the victim, death and also significant property damage.


The main cause of the accident on roads is driver's distractions. A distracted driver is someone who momentarily diverts the attention from the road to do something else. For example talking on a cell phone, sending a message, eating, talking to other passengers, turning on the music and many others. In order to prevent this distraction, for example, the use of mobile phones when driving, the law has restricted the use of cell phone while driving. Drivers can, however, make use of hands-free or Bluetooth but still be attentive, and the best option would be to park and take the call or not to take the call at all.


Another cause of road accidents is speeding. The law restricts people from driving fast, but they often ignore that to reach quickly to their destinations. You can seek guidance from Schreuder Partners lawyers in Sydneyto help you with legal needs. Nowadays, there are great automobiles that are manufactured and can be able to break speed limits. The faster one drives, the less reaction time in case it is necessary to stop abruptly. It is, therefore, important to follow traffic rules and keep checking your speed according to the speed sign on the road.


Bad weather has also caused many traffic accidents. No one has the control over the weather, and it is, therefore, important to take some precautionary measures to remain safe. Fog, snow and rain always demand that the driver take more care on the roads. It is advisable to drive slowly while turning on car headlights so that you can judge other vehicles distances to avoid a collision. Driving at a slow speed will also help to prevent slick surfaces that can lead to skidding and eventually serious accidents. Read some NSW traffic laws at


Another cause of most traffic accidents is driving under the influence of alcohol. A drunken person will not only put their lives in danger but also other motorists on the road. If you are injured due to another person’s negligence you must find a personal injury lawyer. The effects associated with driving while intoxicated are drowsiness, loss of focus and inability to judge distances leading to an accident. To reduce this, the government has introduced the use of sobriety detectors that measure the amount of alcohol that a driver might have taken.